Monthly yoga workshops in my home studio:

Explore and deepen your understanding of classical yoga poses (asanas) through the use and support of ropes. The use of ropes/belts in yoga is highly therapeutic and fun! Through the use of traction and gravity one is able to lengthen the spine tremendously (great for any back issues), decompressing the vertebrae discs and accessing the entire musculoskeletal body. The poses can be held for longer so they are great to calm the whole nervous system and quieten the moneky mind. As tension is released all the internal organs and tissues are nourished and replenished.

We also delve into all the limbs of yoga during my workshops, which are hardly touched upon in a regular class: pranayama (breathing exercises), prathayara (withdraw of the senses or restorative poses) and dharana/dyana (concentration/meditation).

In addition, every workshop is infused with a theme: we either learn more about Yoga philosophy in a very friendly user way or we explore some of the basics yet fascinating principles of anatomy and physiology and how they apply to our yoga practice.

NEW! 2024 Saturday workshops:

* Saturday 25 of May: 10.00-13.00

* Saturday 29 of June: 15.00-18.00

* Saturday 27 of July: 10.00-13.00


These workshops sell very fast (maximum capacity 8 people) so book early to avoid disappointment

Three hours workshops: £40. Please EMAIL me before paying to make sure there are still places available.

Venue: my teaching studio in Merton Park

T&C: I run a one week cancellation policy. If you need to cancel it has to be done one week prior to the workshop so it does not count as no show.


Book Yoga Workshop
International and national yoga workshops, holidays and retreats taught in the past:



Volante Isla

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restorative workshop for indi copy-2

click here

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